A large pilot program around a four-day workweek is proving a success.

According to 4 Day Week Global, none of the participating organizations will return to a five-day week

Participating employers who have given staff an extra day off per week, with no reduction in pay.

Workers felt less stressed and burnt out, and reported higher rates of life satisfaction.

This six-month pilot program involved almost 1,200 employees from 30 companies in the US, Ireland, and Australia.

The trial showed an increase in revenue of over 2% each month, a total of 8%.

When compared to the same six months in 2021, it rose by 38%.

Employees also rated the pilot highly, with 97% saying they want to continue on a four-day week.

For 70% of respondents, their next job would have to offer between 10 and 50 percent more pay to return five-day week.